Friday 19 April 2013

Swim Deep

 "It's like escapism, and really good imagery. When you say "Swim Deep", you imagine good stuff, very picturesque". This is how Austin Williams of Swim Deep described the band's name, in an interview with Freshly Squeezed last year. But really, he could've been describing  the music they make and it would still be just as appropriate. To some degree, every one of their four singles has a sense of freedom and beauty, as though they were written in a daydream to which only Swim Deep are party. Their songs make you long for the days of summer, when you can forget the pressures of everyday life and just relax, behave like a complete twat, whatever. Just because you can.

I feel an urge to smile whenever I hear their latest single She Changes The Weather, a beautiful song about loving a girl to the ends of the earth. Close your eyes and pretend the song's about you, and you'll see what I mean. The low-key lyrics and understated voice allow the sincerity of the lyrics to come across, and the movement from the acoustic introduction to the full-blown ending flows so perfectly that the music carries you with it. It's in the verse, when it's stripped down to the bass, drums and voice that you really appreciate the importance of the piano riff in this song. Speaking as a pianist, I love that it's been given a "starring role", so to speak, in this song; it's not often that a piano is given much importance in an indie rock song, and I applaud them for it.

The Sea is another gorgeously uplifting song - the perfect gig closer, or encore song. It's so wonderfully optimistic and upbeat about life that it makes me want to smile at strangers, or start dancing in the middle of the street. The truth is, Swim Deep don't need to do dark, moody and introspective, because they make you think anyway, with encouraging choruses and fantastic melodies.

They also make it ok to be a little bit scruffy. Take the video for King City. They're wearing jumpers and trousers that are too big for them, they skateboard, and Zachary Robinson has pink hair. What more could you want from a band that validates your own slightly unwashed hair? Just for this, I adore them. Honey makes me love them even more. The cheeky flirting with the Honey, the paint splattered faces (and bass) and the playfulness of the lyrics - my personal favourite is "don't just dream in your sleep, it's just lazy". Wise words indeed - somehow all come together to make life ok. And that's why I love Swim Deep.

Rating: 10/10

Recommended Tracks:
King City
Orange County

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